OUTCO honoured to be shortlisted as Property Tech Company of the year 2023

OUTCO is delighted to be shortlisted as the Property Tech Company of the year 2023.
How we accidentally launched a robotic gritter ahead of its time

RoboGrit isn’t a fictional character. Not quite. In 2013 we started our first trials of an experimental robotic gritter prototype on real client sites. Looking like a hi-tech miniature dune buggy, it was an important testbed for technologies that included navigation, collision detection and spreading systems.
How Heatwaves and Climate Changes are Impacting Winter Gritting in the UK

Our climate is undoubtedly changing, 2022 was the warmest year since 1884, with recorded temperatures above 40°C for the first time. Scientists said that would have been “virtually impossible without climate change”
Our weather is some of the most changeable on the planet, here’s why..

The UK has the some of the most notoriously unpredictable weather on the planet, but it is also one of the things that makes our local climate so unique. It is perfectly possible to experience all four seasons in one day, and we never know what the weather will be like from one minute to the next