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ineos outco


OUTCO has worked with INEOS since June 2017, delivering a broad scope of grounds maintenance services to the client’s primary oil refinery site in Grangemouth, Scotland. We manage around 1 million m2 of green spaces, maintaining these areas around offices, substations, bunds, fencing lines, pipeline tracks, and open spaces. OUTCO teams continue to innovate and improve productivity onsite, discussing new operational methodologies with the client and introducing these with high levels of success. Improvements and efficiencies achieved with INEOS are outlined:

Reducing Costs and Waste

We increased grass cutting frequencies from monthly to every 10 days. By doing this we have eliminated the need for green waste recycling via their on-site skips, providing between £4-5K cost savings for this element alone. This initiative has improved our client’s environmental performance, for which they are formally audited.

Reducing Time Weed Killing using New Equipment

We introduced a mist blower sprayer to apply weed killer. This has reduced the time spent on weed removal from 37.5 hours per week to 2 hours, with only one operative now required. The mist blower is a high-pressure sprayer that enables our teams to spray weed killer up to 15m away. We apply through fenced off areas, without the need to gain access to those areas via qualified personnel (e.g. electricians at substations), saving operatives considerable time. Our activities reflect our client’s critical site safety requirements. We have introduced electric powered hand mowers, blowers, and strimmers. Lighter in weight and producing around 1/3rd hand/arm vibration compared to combustion powered equipment, staff can work longer uninterrupted.

Reinvesting Savings

By employing new equipment, implementing smarter programming, and improved working practices we have reduced the number of operatives needed onsite, from 10 to 5. Substantial cost savings have been re-invested into project-based works. Projects have included tree removal and the clearance of woodland areas. For example, two large vegetation clearance projects have been delivered – one covering 55,000m2 area, and another cleared 77,000m2 on these large sites.

Related case studies

A period of consultation between LJHA and OUTCO around the spiralling tree maintenance costs lead to a detailed arboriculture survey being carried out across the entire portfolio. The survey took place over a two-month period. All individual trees were plotted by GIS onto maps and given unique identity codes. The species, age, location and condition were recorded as well as any works required at various levels of priority e.g. within three months within twelve months within twenty-four months.

savills outco

OUTCO undertakes a wide scope of works for Morrisons Supermarkets, on behalf of Savills. Fourteen supermarkets are maintained across the North West, Norfolk, West Yorkshire, the Midlands and South East England.