Supermarket giant Morrison’s contacted OUTCO surfacing to discuss 278 works, improving access and egress to the busy superstore in Ecclesfield Sheffield. Currently the store has a single entrance and exit onto a busy Sheffield road controlled by traffic lights.
Following an initial site survey, OUTCO specialists worked with Morrison’s to identify the best possible location for the additional entrance, with another road running alongside the west of store, an opportunity was identified to replace a footpath with an additional entrance road and walkway to ease congestion.
Due to the extent of the project, which included 278 works onto a main road the surfacing works were completed overnight to minimise disruption to the store. Due to the location of what would be the new entrance and exit, OUTCO collaboratively with Morrisons worked with the local council the ensure plans were passed and a suitable traffic management system was put in place during the works, this was to ensure the safety of our team and minimising disruption to the public highway.
Programmed in December it was critical these works minimised any disruption to the general public and the Morrisons superstore and were completed to schedule.
The works required breaking out an existing footpath and widening the area sufficient for the road and walkway, kerbing and footpaths were built ensuring the original walkway was still existing for customers. The new roadway required additional works to the paving areas, ensuring the kerbs would drop for those wishing to cross and the installation of tactile paving.
The entrance road was laid overnight as well as a fresh section of roadway to the original road running alongside the superstore.
The works were completed with fresh lining and opened for public use the following morning.
The project was completed to schedule and handed back to a very happy client.