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Icy weather winter gritting and snow clearance

The UK is due to for icy weather from the end of this week, with road surface temperatures dropping below zero to as low as -5C in various parts of the country. The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice for Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of northern England

winter gritting can be made safer through innovation OUTCO

“How tech is being used to keep the UK moving during winter” – published in FMOnline November 2023. Although the automation of winter maintenance doesn’t require clients to even request a gritting service, digitisation is allowing customers to immediately view in real-time when and where that service is delivered

Winter gritting protecting night time workers Hospital Hub

Protecting night time workers – how challenging work like winter gritting can be made safer through innovation

Night time workers winter gritting heroes of the night

Heroes of the Night: How Technology Shines a Light on Night-time Workers

Winter gritting environmental and climate impact

Climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the most pressing environmental challenges facing humanity today. There are an enormous number of initiatives across all industries, and the gritting industry can also play its part.

Winter gritting

Winter Gritting Frequently Asked Questions

Specialist forecasting for winter gritting

The world of specialist weather forecasting has undergone significant improvements in recent years. Access to powerful supercomputers that process millions of lines of code, in conjunction with data from actual weather stations and live-feed sensors have accelerated observational capabilities and numerical weather prediction (NWP) models to near pin-point accuracy for short range meso-scale (hyper-localised) forecasting

Winter Gritting Deicing Salt OUTCO

De-icing salt works by lowering the freezing point of water. This is known as freezing point “depression”. When pure salt is mixed with water, it dissolves into separate sodium and chloride ions. These ions interfere with the formation of ice crystals, making it more difficult for water to freeze

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