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BNP Paribas Real Estate has worked with the UK’s leading winter risk management specialist, OUTCO, since 2008. OUTCO looks after a portfolio of properties for BNP Paribas Real Estate across the UK, and specifically manages 100-120 properties in the Midlands.

The main challenges revolved around appropriate resourcing, security clearances, and adherence to the strict processes/requirements once inside the internal areas.…

OUTCO provided a robust, consistent solution that ensured the sites remained safe and operational throughout winter. For the first time in many years, not one snow and ice related claim was received from the prisoners unaccompanied through the gates. This worked particularly well and provided us with greater flexibility with regard to service times.

OUTCO undertakes a wide scope of works for Morrisons Supermarkets, on behalf of Savills. Fourteen supermarkets are maintained across the North West, Norfolk, West Yorkshire, the Midlands and South East England.


Key client B&Q has been working with OUTCO for 5 years working under a performance-based contract. We deliver a full scope winter service to 149 sites. Daily pre-service and post-service reports are emailed to B&Q representatives. Monthly attendance/activity reports are also provided – detailing our service delivered for the past month

Under a performance-based contract we deliver a full scope of winter services to B&Q’s 149 sites and 1.4million m2 of serviceable area. Daily pre-service and post-service reports are emailed to client representatives. Monthly attendance/activity reports are also provided – detailing our service delivered for the past month.

Key client IKEA has been working with OUTCO for 6 years working under a performance-based contract. We deliver a full scope winter service to 29 sites – 2 offices, 3 logistics centres and 24 retail sites across the UK and Ireland.

ikea outco

Key client IKEA has been working with OUTCO for 6 years working under a performance-based contract. We deliver a full scope winter service to 29 sites – 2 offices, 3 logistics centres and 24 retail sites across the UK and Ireland. Daily pre-service and post-service reports are emailed to IKEA representatives